Top 10 Marijuana Lawyer Bloggers (or so says this Spokane attorney)

Marijuana laws in the U.S. are so complex, so contradictory, at at some times so baffling, that lawyers love to write about the subject.  Since I started my blog 3 years ago, the subject of marijuana laws has been a frequent topic.  We have discussed the “green tongue” phenomenon, the science of “marijuana dui“, the taxationwhat not to say when you are stopped, why it sucks to go to court for marijuana possession, what to do if you are caught at the border with marijuana, and attempts to reform the laws, and I-502.  Geesh, thats kind of a lot.  But I am not the only one.  Here is a list of 10 of the best marijuana law-bloggers in the 50 states.  They have great stuff, so go check out their sites.  (They are in no particular order – they are all good.)

1.   New Jersey Marijuana Blog.  Jef Henninger takes on New Jersey marijuana laws and explains the fight to more narrowly construe the state’s school zone enhancements, and the battle to prohibit “expert” witnesses from telling the jury that their “expert” opinion is that the defendant is guilty.

okanogan marijuana lawyer

Dozens of law bloggers write on the subject of marijuana - here are some of the best.

2.  Rose Law Group Blog. The staff at Rose Law Group attempts to make sense of the byzantine legal structure of medical marijuana in Arizona while the state wrangles with threats from the federal government.

3.   L.A.’s Dopest Attorney.  Fresh out of Harvard, lawyer Allison Margolin shared her views on the drug war, pushy DA’s, and various celebrities.  We are still waiting for her to update her blog though.

4.  Rose Law Texas.  Jeremy Rosenthal offers thoughtful, in depth, legal explanations on how marijuana laws work in Texas.  When several people are in a car, and marijuana is on the floor, it is always a gray area as to who “possesses” it, and Jeremy has a good post on that subject.

5.   Philadelphia Criminal Law Blog.  Attorney Brian Zeiger has a nice collection of posts on marijuana in a question-and-answer format, including the question all lawyers get about the defendant who skipped town on a pot charge, and then needs advice on what to do.

6.   Paul C. Youngs Blog.  Paul has blogged on the efforts by the IRS to remove any business expenses as tax deductible.  Additionally, he has commented on  the fairly liberal marijuana policies of Ann Arbor Michigan compared to the rest of the state.  Sound like Seattle anyone?

7.   Sammis Law Blog.  The Sammis law firm covers the efforts toward decriminalization of medical marijuana in Florida.  A 3/5th margin of the legislature is required to get the the measure on the ballot.  Polls show broad support for medical marijuana, and Florida might be joining the 17 other states in the US that recognize it.

8.   The Marijuana Lawyer Blog.   This blog is written by the Law Office of Glew and Kim of California.  They have written lately of the efforts by state governors to have the DEA re-classify marijuana from being a Schedule I to a Schedule II drug, thus permitting the drug for medicinal purposes.

9.   Criminal Attorney St Petersburg Blog. Attorney Melinda Morris takes a look at criminal issues in Florida including a trend among teens in the Tampa Bay area to adorn themselves with the hose of a water pipe in the form of a bracelet.

10.  Ambrose Law Group Blog. Attorneys from this law firm tackle the subject of canine “sniff” searches, the disturbing trends on marijuana arrests, and the loss of housing subsidies by medical cannabis patients.

What are your favorite blogs?  Let me know what I have missed, and maybe I will include them in 2013.





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Steve Graham is a criminal defense lawyer in Spokane, Washington. Visit his website by clicking:
Law Office of Steve Graham
1312 North Monroe Street, #140
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 252-9167