Owen Kiernan Rooney: Families Use Internet Resources to Search for Loved One
Facebook? Twitter? Youtube? Blogs? These typical tools of social networking and internet marketing are beginning to be used to find missing persons. For example, take a look at the search for Owen Kiernan Rooney. The story of Owen Kiernan Rooney was mentioned on @Miramou on Twitter, also on YouTube.

Call the RCMP 250-442-8288 if you have information about Owen Kiernan Rooney, missing since August 14th, 2010
His sister Kelly and other family members are using the social network sites to look for info on their missing brother. Owen Rooney is missing, and was last seen just across the border in Grand Forks.
The story of his disappearance has since been told on blogs, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. Like a lot of Australians, Owen Kiernan Rooney came to Canada to work at the ski resort Big White near Kelowna. (Where I sometimes ski). Mr. Rooney was the victim of an assault and later checked in to the hospital in Grand Forks, but later he left the facility unexpectedly. For more details on the circumstance, see the post on the site Shelter Offshore. If you live in the U.S. border counties like Okanogan, Ferry, Stevens, and Pend Orielle, please continue to look out for this young man in his prime. In my work as a criminal defense lawyer, I have often seen clients or their friends of family disappear. I have assisted them in a small way with some pretty basic computer searches. But nothing is better than the tireless dedication of family members. And we have certainly seen the hard work of Owen Rooney’s family. We wish them the best. I have often seen such work pay off..
Thank you for spreading the news and your positive comments about the family searching. I am Owen’s aunt in australia and I am grateful for the social networking sites that allow me to contact Owen’s parents and siblings in Canada. His family are a close knit loving family from a small town on the south coast of NSW australia who would never have believed that this could happen to their beautiful, gentle son. They are grateful for all the support they are getting from family, friends and people they have never met.
Thanks for visiting my blog Kerry. We all join you in wishing for Owen’s return as soon as possible.
Read your story and am deeply saddened. I am hoping and praying for his safe return. Keep putting the word out on facebook, twitter, etc. People read those, I did. I hope and pray, he comes home to you safe and sound very very soon…..
Yes, i hope people keep this story alive for the sake of Owen and his family. This story is still getting a lot of hits so i take that as a good sign that people are still paying attention to his absence. I hope to follow up with some good news when it comes.
Hi, I just felt terribly sad for Owen and his family. My best wishes and prayers are with you.
Thank you for posting this. I will forward it to my friends in the area.
Thanks Heidi