Northwest Justice Project to Hold Free Class on Tenant Rights

A couple of years ago, the state Access to Justice Board tried to increase the presence of pro bono legal services in the rural parts of the State.   The Northwest Justice Project opened four new offices across the state, including an office in Colville.   The office is at 132 W 1st Avenue where the barber shop used to be.  It is right next door to Cafe 103.   The Northwest Justice Project (NJP) is a not-for-profit statewide organization that provides free civil legal services to low-income people.  For you Facebook junkies, the NJP just started a site right here.  It is low on content and friends, but was just started last week.  What does NJP offer?  Well, they are having a class in Colville on your rights as a tenant.  I don’t do eviction cases, so I was glad to post their flyer in my lobby.  The class will be taught by NJP lawyer Kerry Summers and one other lawyer whose name escapes me.  If you live in Ferry or Pend Oreille County, you don’t have to drive to Colville.  There will be classes coming to Republic and to Newport too I believe.

One Response to “Northwest Justice Project to Hold Free Class on Tenant Rights”

  • Ryan:

    The problem i have with these groups is that they seem to favor the tenant. I am not the only landlord living on a fixed income who has gotten screwed royally by tenants from hell. Let me know Steve when the class for landlords is scheduled for.

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Steve Graham is a criminal defense lawyer in Spokane, Washington. Visit his website by clicking:
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1312 North Monroe Street, #140
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 252-9167