The elected school Chief Randy Dorn plead guilty to DUI today in Orting Municipal Court today. Already in the comment section of article in The Olympian, the public is jumping on him for setting a bad example. One person posted the comment: “The kids are saying ‘see, it can’t be too bad if our schools leader does it’.” That seems like a stretch – I am sure the kids really don’t give a hoot about the State’s elected schools chief, or even know that we have one. How many of you knew who Randy Dorn was? Besides filling the pages of The Olympian, this seems like a non-story.
What is interesting about the story however, was the way Randy Dorn handled the whole thing. He basically resolved the matter quickly, rather than let the scandal keep brewing. In pleading guilty about ten days after his arrest, Randy Dorn seemed to be taking the advice of PR experts who spoke to
The Olympian last week. An
article explained:
“How he handles it will more likely determine what the outcome will be than the action itself,” said Seattle political consultant Cathy Allen of The Connections Group. If convicted of the charge, Dorn, 56, will have to admit wrongdoing, apologize and promise to keep clean, she added. “The public is pretty forgiving as long as (a politician) is apologetic and takes steps to make sure it never happens again,” Allen said. But public officials who try to justify their actions – or, worse, lie about them or ignore them – can find themselves in trouble, she added. In those cases, she said, “the court of public opinion can come down pretty hard.”
The interesting thing is that Randy Dorn plead guilty “straight up” meaning he did not get the charge reduced. I am sure other Washington lawyers would agree, just about every DUI that comes in on someone who only blew a .11 would get reduced to Negligent Driving First Degree, if they are 56 and have no priors, and no accident resulted.

Negligent Driving First Degree is driving negligently while exhibiting the effects of having consumed alcohol, and this crime counts as an alcohol related offense. Usually it is the repeat offenders in Washington that get really hammered in court. Is it possible that Randy Dorn turned down a plea offer to reduce the charges just to avoid allegations that he is avoiding accountability? I have blogged in the past about how public officials sometimes get accused of getting special deals on DUIs even when they were treated like everyone else. See
here. The funny thing is even the City Police Chief of Orting commented to the media that the charge may be reduced. See prior
article. It looks like Randy Dorn would have pleaded guilty to the offense no matter what just to get the matter done and over with before the time he is up for re-election in 2012.
Anyone who listens to what PR experts have to say on the matter will end up making a smarmy videos featuring the self-serving voices of their dead parents (aka the “Tiger Woods Nike Shoe Defense” video)
Didn’t Larry Craig plead guilty at arraignment also?
Maybe not exactly the same, but weren’t his shoes “out of bounds” similar to Tiger Woods?
Don’t give Dorn the boot. He is in good company.
If the shoe fits… You must plead guilty!
Thanks for posting that video clip – that was crazy what these pr guys come up with.