What Washington public works projects will be still standing in AD 4000?
My father was an engineer. He always marveled at how many bridges and aqueducts of the Roman Empire are still left standing. But he was perplexed at how many public works projects here in the U.S. are just disasters.

The Pont du Gard aqueduct was built by the Romans in approximately 19 BC. It still stands today.
But what Washington public works projects will last as long as the Pont du Gard?
This question came to mind when I started seeing a bunch of new public works projects in this area. I heard the federal government was assisting in some projects as part of an economic stimulus bill. I remember when the City of Republic had a new shop built ten years ago. It collapsed soon after it was built under the weight of a heavy snow fall. I also noticed how the newly constructed front steps of the court house have begun to crumble and have been roped off.
In Spokane in 2006 the River Park Square parking garage crumbled and allowed a vehicle to roll out and fall five stories to the ground killing someone.
What is to be done about the slipshod work of construction companies on public works projects? What public works disasters am I over looking in the area of Okanogan, Ferry, and Stevens County? Email any photos that you think I should post to steve@grahamdefense.com.
The Romans didn’t let them get away with it.
I don’t think the Romans privatized the contracting out process, but I could be wrong. Either way, I’d hate to have to tell Caesar the new aqueduct had a leak.
Perhaps part of our modern shoddiness stems from the fact that lowest bid trumps all other considerations in many projects (though I think not all), rather than emphasizing reputations for quality work.
Steve, found your blog through following you on Twitter. (@culestar, @xcoto)
How about the that handycap lift to the court house stairs – the last person i saw riding that was two years ago!